credit card fraud purchases stolen cards Australia

We are receiving an alarming number of complaints from merchants, retailers and on-line stores about criminal gangs using stolen credit cards, unlawfully obtained cards and even legitimate cards.

The criminals use these cards to order goods, usually they place multiple orders for expensive type goods.  The merchant will receive an E-mail similar to the one reproduced below.

Usual copy of E-mail criminals send to online retailers

I have seen your site, and I am interested with (goods names)  quantity : 2.

I want to buy it from your store. If you can ship it to Indonesia
and receive payment with my credit cards, please confirm me soon.
I am waiting for your reply.

Please let me know if you send by FedEx (or other express courier)


When the retailer sends the goods they are duly delivered or collected.  The retailer will then receive a notification from the bank that the cardholder has denied receiving the goods.   The money is charged back to the cardholder and the merchant has been effectively robbed.  Chances of recovering the money are none.

Most of the criminals use stolen credit cards or illegally obtained credit card numbers.  In other incidents the criminals will actually use their own legitimate credit cards.  

The reason why they want the goods delivered by Express Courier (they will gladly pay the extra charge with the stolen credit card details) is that they hope the real holder of the card will not notice the charge until after they get the goods.

All of the criminal activities reported to us originated from Indonesia, Malaysia and Russia.   Copy cat criminals are now appearing in Australia, the US, the UK and the Nederland.    This means that on line retailers no longer should reconsider their online security strategies for internal orders as well as international orders from impoverished and lawless countries.





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