Swiss Lotto Zurich High stakes International Promotions Lottery fake letters

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================== Start of Reported Document ======================

De Lotto Switzerland 41132,
BATCH NO. 54/769/307.

                                     AWARD NOTIFICATION
We wish to inform you of the lottery draws held between 18th of SEPTEMBER  2004 by the SWISS LOTTO ZURICH HIGHSTAKES  INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS LOTTERY.
Your email address, attached to ticket number 27522465896-6453, with  serial number 3772-554 drew the lucky numbers 7-14-18-31-45, and consequently
won in the 2nd Category of the lottery.
You have therefore been approved for a lump sum  of $1,800,000.00 USD
in cash credited to file REF NO: 538901527-Bc68.
This is from total prize  money of $35,000,000.00 USD shared among the various
international winners  in this category. All participants were selected
through a computer ballot system drawn from 30,000 names and 30,000,000 email
addresses from  Australia, New Zealand, America, Europe, Middle East,
Asia and Africa as part of  our International Promotions Program, which is conducted twice a year.
Your fund is now available for claim. Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice  until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to your account.
This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this promotion.
We hope with part of your prize, you will participate  in our next year  highstakes 5,000,000.00 Euros International Lottery.
To begin your claim, please contact your claim agent MRS. MARY MORRIS
For due processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated  account of your choice.
Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later  than 8th of OCTOBER  after this date, all funds will be returned as unclaimed funds.
In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference  and batch numbers in every one of your  correspondences with your agent. Furthermore, should there be any change of your address, do inform your claims
agent as soon as possible.
Congratulations again and thank you for being part of our lottery  promotions.

Sincerely  yours,

================== End of Reported Document ======================




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